TAAI 2011 hold Computer Games Tournaments at 2011/11/11-12. This page is the result of Nonogram part.

The rules

This time, we have two tournaments for nonogram, one is "A. Nonogram" and one is "B. Nonogram solver". The rule are different. The detailed rules are documented in A and B (in Chinese).

In brief:

The participants

Program Name Author Organization Machine
LalaFrogKK 陳干越, 郭青樺, Hao-Hua Kang NCTU Intel i7 970 3.6GHz; 8GB RAM
Yayagram 袁倫斌, 李建翰, 婁元輔 NCTU Intel i7 2600 3.6GHz; 4GB RAM
Naughty Kuang-che Wu Google Inc. Intel i3 540 3GHz; 16GB RAM



A. Nonogram

The links of solved number are the output of that program. The links of solved time are the timing log of that program.
Rank Program Name Prepared puzzles
with multiple solutions
Time Solved
Time Solved
1 LalaFrogKK 0 - - 100 1082s 100 1802s
2 Naughty 0 5 3600s 60 3600s - -
3 Yayagram 99 2 3600s - - 25 3600s

B. Nonogram Solver

Rank Program Name Solved Time
1 LalaFrogKK 1000 645.544s
2 Yayagram 766 4989.594s
3 Naughty 509 2325.271s


Yayagram made a mistake in tournament A. They forgot to check solution uniqueness when generate puzzles. And they can only solve puzzles in input order. So yayagram's score is not good. Actually we can see it is strong in tournament B.

LalaFrogKK is extreme fast and solved all puzzles less than 11 minutes. Yayagram solved 766 puzzle and struggled with #767 for 36 minutes. Naughty solved 509 puzzles and struggled with #510 for 81 minutes.